How to Protect Your WiFi Network?

If you want to protect your WiFi network, then you are in the right article because here in this article, I am going to provide you with some of the best ways that will help you protect your WiFi.

How important is your home network to you? If you’re like the rest of us, you use the internet for things like shopping, paying bills, booking hotels, keeping in touch with friends and family, and even banking. 

In many situations, home Wi-Fi is used to link not just computers and phones but also security systems, heating and cooling systems, and HVAC units.

However, if it is not protected, your home Wi-Fi network might become a target for hackers. If a hacker finds even a little flaw in your home Wi-Fi network, they may potentially get access to all devices that use it.


Protect Your Home WiFi Network

Your online financial accounts and credit card information might be vulnerable to theft if you don’t take action. Potentially malicious software and spyware might be aimed at your devices.

Making and maintaining a safe Wi-Fi network at home is easy. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to protect your home Wi-Fi network and keep hackers away.

Here are some ways to secure your home Wi-Fi network. Read on for an explanation of each way below.

1. Modify the Default Sign-In

Don’t use the default password. When it comes to routers, the default password (usually printed on the device’s side) implies that if someone obtains access to your router, for example, by taking a photo of it, they might potentially figure out the administrator password and use it to steal your data.

Therefore, the first step in WiFi router security is to:

  • Use an Ethernet cable. Do not use any wireless network to get access to the administration panel. If you can’t find your router’s Admin interface at or, check the manual.
  • Use the admin login and password.
  • The router’s default username and password may vary by your router brand (you will find it back of the router or you can check our default router username and password list).
  • Update your login name and password simultaneously. Keep your updated login name and password in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box at your house. You know it would be harmful for your kids if you gave it to them.

You’ve now taken the first step in protecting your WiFi network. But this isn’t the final one.

2. Make use of WPA2 security

Most wireless access points and routers will provide the following encryption methods:

  1. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
  2. Wi-Fi Protected Access 1 (WPA1), which is also an obsolete technology,
  3. Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
  4. WPA1/WPA2
  5. WPA2/WPA3

WPA2 is a solid option that is still widely supported. Choose WPA2/WPA3 if you want compatibility with previous versions and the most secure encryption available if you already know your clients support WPA3. It is preferable to replace an outdated WiFi client device that is dependent on a non-current security configuration rather than risk the safety of your network. Don’t ever connect with WEP or WPA1.

3. Modify and encrypt your SSID

Your encrypted Wi-Fi network is known by its service set identifier (SSID). It’s the identifier that helps users locate and join the network. By default, your router will use a string consisting of your device’s serial number (e.g., “F27N426116”) and manufacturer and service provider (e.g., “NetGear001” or “VerizonBox”).

These are all harmful for various reasons. If the SSID reveals the specific type of network or router being used, it’s far simpler for hackers to find out how to compromise your system.

Change the SSID and put a stop to them. In fact, you may configure certain routers to connect to more than one network at once.

  • Enter the router’s administration page (using the new credentials you created in Step 1).
  • Go ahead and choose a WiFi network.
  • Connect to new SSID and deactivate “Broadcast Network Name.”
  • Keep in mind these changes. The WiFi connection will continue to function normally. Make sure the Pre-Shared key is also completely unique. Avoid using common expressions like “password,” “mine,” or even your birthday. Use a combination of simple phrases that are both memorable and distinctive.

We’re safe from anyone spying on us now that we’re out of sight. However, that’s not all.

4. Turn off unnecessary services and use secure passwords

It’s easy to overlook how deeply integrated Wi-Fi is into the larger network. As part of the overall security of your home network, it is important that hardware like networked storage and media servers have secure passwords. You should never log in with the Wi-Fi password.

Keep in mind that many network devices, especially printers, include a variety of preinstalled services. Services like SSH, Telnet, SMB, and others often have poorly protected default configurations enabled. Turn off the service locally if you’re not using it.

5. Update your router regularly

Check the manufacturer’s website to see whether a newer version of the router’s software is available to download before installing a new router or making changes to an existing one. Set up your router with the maker and opt-in for updates to ensure you always get the most recent version.

If your ISP (like Verizon or Comcast) supplied you with a router, you should inquire with them as to whether or not it receives automatic updates. To prevent unauthorized access to your network, disable “remote management,” WPS, and UPnP. While useful, several router functionalities compromise data privacy and safety.

If you want to make changes to your router’s settings from afar, you may enable what’s called “remote access.” With WPS, you may connect a device to the internet with a click of a button on the router rather than inputting the Wi-Fi network password.

Last but not least, UPnP facilitates networked device discovery. While these conveniences may make it simpler to connect new devices or provide guest access to your Wi-Fi, they may also compromise the safety of your network.

6. Get a strong firewall

A firewall controls what information may pass in all directions. In most cases, this is the best guideline for a firewall to follow.

  1. Firstly, DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD TO CONNECT IN. This is often labeled “Any: DENY.”
  2. The second rule is that only domestic responses to requests are permitted.

The firewall has a variety of additional configuration options. If your network allows it, you should also choose “Enable Ping Blocking.” When a router is configured for ping blocking, it will reply to any “ping” requests that are sent to it. A hacker may use a program to constantly “ping” networks to check whether they are online and then attempt to determine what software is installed on them. If your router is configured to block Ping queries, no one will be able to detect your presence on the network.

7. Make use of virtual private networks to connect to the internet

By creating an encrypted tunnel between your device and the VPN server, all data transmitted and received through public Wi-Fi networks from your device becomes unclear and undetectable. It’s a safety measure that makes sure your sensitive information is protected while you’re online. VPNs, such as Norton Safeguard VPN for your PC, MAC, or mobile device, allow users to encrypt and safeguard their Internet traffic.

Ensure that all of the gadgets that connect to your home network are protected from viruses, malware, spyware, and extortion by installing trusted comprehensive security software like Norton 360. 

8. Create a network for guests

The guest network may be given a different name and password on many routers. There are two reasons why this is a smart security move:

  • If you have a different login, fewer individuals will know your main Wi-Fi network’s password.
  • In the event that a visitor (unknowingly) carries malware on a mobile device, such software will be unable to break into your main network and attack your devices.

9. Log out your administrator account

Don’t forget to log out of the administrator account after you’re done configuring the router or making changes to the settings. Changing passwords and adjusting other security settings is only possible while signing in as an administrator. A hacker who gained access to your administrator account may quickly compromise your whole system.



Following these guidelines will make your network and its devices far less vulnerable to cyberattacks and will increase the security of your data.

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